Practice Policies & Patient Information

Practice Policies & Patient Information

Our staff are committed to providing quality healthcare for the benefit of all of our patients. View our policies to see how this is achieved.

We want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

Friends & family test

We have a Patient Participation Group that meets at least once each year with regular and additional communication via email.

Membership can involve being part of the virtual group only, attending the meetings only or both.

Brian is the current Chairman of our PPG. This is fantastic news as we now have a patient Chairing the group.

The last PPG meeting was on the 26th February 2024 .

Contact the Patient Group

Contact the Patient Participation Group if you would like to join, or with any suggestions, comments and feedback for the forum meetings by completing the below form.

The PPG form should not be used in place of the complaints process or in place of any normal communication you may have with your GP concerning your medical condition or medication.  You should not use it to reveal confidential information about yourself, although your confidence will be respected by your PPG member if requested.

Contact the patient group

There are currently no vacancies.

Hillcrest Surgery is a local hub for Research and Development.  We take part in at last 8 studies year which give our patients access to new treatments as well as the chance to contribute to the development of care for all patients.

The Practice is an RCGP Research & Surveillance Centre Practice.  This means we along with about 200 other Practices participate in a national surveillance programme that provides continual monitoring of infections and diseases in the community as well as RCGP and ethically approved research.

For more details visit  or see our Patient Information Leaflet

Alert: Practice Relocation Update

We are moving to a new premises. Click here to find out more